Sunday 7 January 2018

What I have learnt in 2017

Oh hey

Here I am lying here at half 12 at night deep in my own thoughts deciding to write this. 2017 has been such a journey for me. I started it with people I have not ended it with and have ended it with people I didn’t know at the start. I wanted to share some life lessons with you, which I will be bringing onto 2018. 

1. That boy is not worth crying over 
Hipocritical, I know, seeing as I have done that thing I am telling you guys not to. But please. You should not have to make yourself feel bad or weak about what they are doing. Never blame yourself, trust me I came to realise that it was him not me. You have your whole life ahead of you to fall in love and get married and have kids. Some boy in school is not going to affect your future and besides, most boys in school are dicks anyway - so be brave and move on. I promise it will be okay. 

2. That girl is not your friend 
Fake friends. Real friends. Friends that are actually therefore you. Get rid of any unloyal friends in your own space or physically. Either tell them you don’t want it anymore or take your time by yourself to slowly detach. If you constantly hear about your friend snaking you, get rid of them. Getting into an argument with them is the worse feeling ever, but seeing their nasty side can change perspectives. In 2018 choose your friends wisely and remember - keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 

3. That life of yours is too damn short 
New Year’s Eve I was hit by a car. I am fine now, nothing major but it really effected me. Life is short and could end at any moment. Are you happy with how you would leave things? Take risks, wear that outfit, message that boy first. Tell him you love him. Don’t stay with your boyfriend for the sake of it. Do not regret feelings, actions, emotions. Be true to yourself and do what you want to do without listening to any body and taking shit from no one. Live 2018 every day at a time - live fearlessly. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Morphe 35O Palette - Real v Fake

Hello everybody <3

Somehow I managed to get the Morphe 35O Palette after months of waiting. I got an email from Cult Beauty saying it has came in stock and I moved like a cheetah chasing it's prey. No joke, I was not missing out. Including delivery it came to around £27 which I was happy to pay. The palette itself is £23.50 which works to 60p an eyeshadow which is amazing value. 

A couple of weeks prior to this, I got a fake one so I thought I would talk to you about the differences. I couldn't find many blogs or even youtube videos about the real v fake so I hope this is useful for you!

These were some of the main differences I found. The bottom two show the real one on the right and the fake one on the left. You can see that on the fake one, the 'M' is slightly raised above the other letters and that the font/word doesn't look as spread as the real one. The middle one shows what the box looks like on the real one. The barcode is in the bottom right with the serial number on it. The one on the top right shows the difference on the back of the palette. The real one has a silver sticker with '35O' whilst the fake one is black. The top left photo is not as obvious but the real one has small tiny circles on the bit above the gap and the fake one has lines.
Onto the actual colours. Some of them were significantly different. 
The top right colour was different along with the bottom right. The lighter colours on the fake one (right side) were darker than the original and the browns had a purple undertone.
The pigmentation of the fake one was chalky and not as easy to blend. The real one had really good pigmentation.

I would recommend not buying this palette from eBay or Depop, Only buy on official beauty palettes as then it will be genuine. I hope this has saved you from purchasing a fake one!!

Monday 19 December 2016

Benefit Girl O'Clock Rock Review

This is the first beauty advert calendar I have owned, so I was very excited to start opening it! I got this a few days after this was released from Debenhams as I heard they sell out quickly. This calendar would be really good for someone who hadn't owned any Benefit before (like me) and if you want to try a beauty advent calendar.

This was retailed for £34.50 with the products having a £68.46 value. That makes each product cost £2.90 which I think is quite good. It also sings which is pretty cool. Honestly, I thought the products would be bigger especially the tints and porefessional but after using them a few times, they have quite a bit of product in them. 12 days can have it's negatives because it will only last 12 days but you could spread it out to make it.
I actually didn't own any benefit products before this. I think it was because I couldn't justify spending quite a lot of money- which is weird because I buy from MAC and Urban Decay haha. Now, when the porefessional runs out, I am definitely going to purchase the full version. And high beam. 

I hope you enjoyed this little review and I may do some more of these in the future!

Monday 31 October 2016

Lush Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween!!

Although Halloween is on a Monday (booooo), it doesn't mean I'm not excited still! I am going to be sharing the new Halloween range at Lush that features some newbies and some classic staple halloween products. I absolutely love Lush, especially during the cold months, and thought you might love lush too. I will be doing another Christmas edition so watch this space for that...

I have no idea what that funky blob is in the middle, and it just will not go no matter what I do

Autumn Leaf: If this doesn't just scream autumn at you, I don't know what is wrong with you. You can see the leaf has red and yellow on it as well as green so you just know its going to be so cool in the bath. This has the scent of sweet grass and smells like you are walking through a forest.

Lord Of Misrule: I believe they had the guy last year. The fact that it is a deep green colour on the whole outside means there will be a surprise colour on the inside. It has a scent of spice and herbs and even has a shower gel in the same scent.

Pumpkin: This is a bath bomb and is a cute pumpkin.This smells of vanilla and cinnamon which is the best combination.  Reminds me of home baking haha.

Monster Ball: This monster is soooo cute and so perfect for Halloween. It has a undertone of a lime scent and ticks all the boxes when it comes to Lush Halloween Bath Bomb.

Sparkling Pumpkin: This is a lush classic and the glitter gets everywhere so be careful when touching it haha. This is a bubble bar so you crumble it under running water and watch the bubbles appear. This scent is has lime in it, similarly to Monster's Ball.

Boo: Is this guy not the cutest thing in the range? This is a bath melt.He was smaller than I expected and I believe he is new too. He smells very clean and gingery. Bath melts make your skin feel so smooth and amazing so I recommend this if you want that.

Sadly the shop I went into didn't have the Pumpkin bath bomb *cries* or the Goth Fairy shimmer bar. But luckily, another shop I went into had the Pumpkin bath bomb!! Yayyy! I hope you enjoy your Halloween and eat plenty of sweets ;)

Friday 28 October 2016

Halloween Special FX Makeup Tutorial

I am going to show you how to make these creepy wounds that are actually easier then they look!
You will need:
Eyelash glue
Concealer and brush
Black Eyeshadow and Fluffy brush
Fake Blood (mine was from poundland)

To create the one in the second picture, firstly layer up small pieces of tissue with eyelash glue. I did about 3 layers. Let it dry for around 5 minutes before applying concealer with a brush. This makes it look more realistic. Then using the tweezers, create a hole in the desired size. Fill the hole up with the fake blood and using a small brush, spread more blood around the hand. With a bigger brush (I used the real techniques setting brush) blend the black eyeshadow around. I just played around with the blood and black to create it how I liked it. 
To create the one in the top photo, I rolled up some tissue into a thin strip (create two) and stuck them down to form an oval with eyelash glue. Then stick some tissue around and over it so it stays in place. Again, apply concealer over it. Fill the hole with blood and just like the previous one apply black eyeshadow and blood around it to create a bruise. When I finished that and was removing it, I played around with it. I removed the majority of the tissue then just filled it up with blood to make it look like an open wound. 

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY halloween tutorial and I would love for you to try them out.

Happy Halloween!    

Monday 24 October 2016


Hello and welcome to my new blog woo. This is officially my first post and I am so excited for you to read it.

Just a little bit about myself - 

I live in England which, you know, does mean it rains the majority of the time. I am currently studying A Levels which are: Art, History, Psychology and English Language and Literature. I managed to get the grades needed at GCSE to do those so I am very happy. Sixth Form isn't actually as bad as I expected. I like not mixing as much with the rest of the school and being able to wear your own clothes. The only downside is that our lounge/inside area is not big enough for the whole of year 12 and 13 so it is a squeeze. 
I have two pets in my house, which are cats. Alfie is fatter than Oscar but they are both equally large. They will be turning 7 in May which is crazy to think we have had them for 7 years! 
I am a self taught beauty guru (technically makeup and beauty lover) and will share all things beauty with you all.
My upload schedule will be at least once a month, will aim for as many as I can, but I'm not making any promises. All the posts will be at 18:00 gmt so I hope to see you there :)

Monday 22 August 2016

Exciting times

Welcome to my blog!
I have decided to start blogging again...but on a different blog. I stopped blogging for about 9 months and thought 'why'?? I used to enjoy it but I never had time, not like I will now haha.
I am going to officially start blogging around Halloween time because I want to be able to settle down into sixth form stress free (fingers crossed) even though I know it won't be stress free. Closer to the time I will let you know an exact date but I am so excited eekk.
I am going to leave it at that for now so I will next speak to you in October!
